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Hope, Health, and Healing

Hope, Health, and Healing:  A Catholic Response to Domestic Abuse and Violence

Catholic Charities Bureau Board Director and Chair of the Health and Human Services Committee, Bluette Puchner, attended a 2 day symposium in Washington D.C. July 7-8, 2016 on behalf of Catholic Charities Bureau.  The event was held at The Catholic University of America and focused on the importance for every Catholic parish in the country to have the tools it needs to respond compassionately and appropriately to an individual or couple that have experienced intimate partner abuse.  The symposium featured 54 expert presenters speaking on topics related to domestic violence, including Church teachings on the subject, applicable immigration laws, and healthy teen dating.  The event was held with the support of partnering organizations including:  the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic Charities USA, Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Washington, and Catholic Charities Diocese of Arlington.  The events inaugural sponsor was the National Council of Catholic Women.

Bluette Puchner

Bluette Puchner

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